Roger CPA review has been one of the highest rated CPA exam study courses for the last decade. The popular CPA study materials are focused around Roger’s signature animated lecture style that not only holds your attention but also helps keep you entertained.
The Roger CPA review course combines the Roger CPA learning method of video lectures, practice questions, and study textbooks with the SmartPath adaptive learning technology to pin point exam topics you need to focus on.
The basis of this prep course was designed by Roger Philipp in 2001. He pioneered his fun and humorous presentation style that makes boring accounting subjects more lively. Rather than simply presenting financial facts that you need to memorize, Roger cracks jokes and makes unique mnemonics, so you can remember topics easier. Using these methods, Roger has helped over 100,000 CPA candidates pass the exam and become certified public accountants!
UWorld, the online education giant, bought Roger CPA a few years ago and has only made the course better. It combined the teaching style of Roger CPA with the resources and technology of a big e-learning company. This is an awesome course for visual learners who are sick of listening to boring accounting lectures that are difficult to pay attention to and focus on.
Let’s walk through the UWorld Roger CPA review course and analyze its features, video lectures, pro and cons to see if this is the right course for you.
Full Course Overview
Contents [show]
The Roger CPA review course comes in two different packages: Premier and Elite-Unlimited.
Both Roger CPA study guides include:
- 6,000+ MCQs Test Bank
- 200+ Task-based Simulations
- Customizable quizzes based on subtopics
- 100+ hours of Video Lectures by Roger, CPA
- Unlimited Full-Length Practice Exams
- SmartPath Predictive Technology
- Personalized CPA Study Planners
The main difference between the two packages is that the Elite-Unlimited package gives you access until you pass the exam, printed CPA exam study books, and a set of expert deck flashcards.
Needless to say, the Elite package is the most popular package and it’s the one that I would recommend.
Roger CPA Course Format
The Roger CPA exam study materials can be used in either the traditional linear format where you read through the chapters chronologically or the adaptive format where you use the SmartPath adaptive software to tailor your course specifically for you.
Regardless which path you decide to take, the Roger CPA study guide uses the same features to help you learn. Let’s walk through each feature of the course, so you know what to expect.
Video Lectures
The Roger CPA video lectures are by far the most popular reason why CPA exam candidates choose Roger over Becker. Roger puts his personality into even one of his videos giving them some life. His charismatic approach to teaching makes accounting topics fun and entertaining. He’s also pretty funny.
Roger’s main presentation style shows him in front of a dry erase board where he writes out the key point and topics. He explains practice problems and his signature memorization strategies to help you remember the major facts on the exam.
The Roger CPA video lessons are integrated into the course format, so you can watch the videos while having the study text and other study materials displayed at the same time. You can even show the study materials in real time while the video is streaming.
This makes the video more of an interactive experience keeping you more engaged rather than a passive activity that you just sit there and listen. The course software also makes it easy to pause, rewind, and tag videos for notes. That way you can go back and watch them again if you need to.
Printed Study Textbook
The Roger CPA study textbook is designed to accompany his video lectures. It includes all the examples and topics that are covered in the lectures in print format. These study materials aren’t too detailed, so they won’t be confusing.
The course software lets you display the study text on the screen during the video lectures, so you can follow along. You can also set them to auto-scroll as the video is playing. That way your textbook becomes an active guide through the video lesson.
You can obviously pause the video to read the text if you need more explanation of the topic Roger is presenting. You can also flag the study book for important topics that you need to refresh on in a future study session.
Roger CPA QBank Question Test Bank
The new Roger CPA QBank is their CPA exam test bank. This newly redesigned software gives you access to over 6,000 practice CPA exam multiple-choice questions with detailed answer explanations.
This isn’t the largest CPA exam test bank of any CPA prep company, but it has some amazing features. Using the SmartPath software, you can create quizzes that track your knowledge over the course of your study sessions.
Based on your knowledge, it will generate custom quizzes that target the key topics you need to work on. This is a huge time saver in your study process. There’s no point to continue practicing questions you already know the answer to, so this helps you focus on the questions you don’t know to improve your knowledge.
Task-Based Simulations
Task-based simulations are a big part of the CPA exam. For most sections, 50% of your score comes from simulations. Needless to say, you need to practice these as much as possible.
The UWorld Roger CPA course includes over 200 simulations that are based on prior CPA exams. These sims look exactly like something you will encounter on the actual exam. They include detailed explanations of the answers, so you can see which answers were correct and why.
Simulations are designed to be challenging. The questions have confusing wording and the format is often a surprise. Roger CPA gives you access to a ton of different simulation formats and exam scenarios, so you won’t be surprised on exam day.
Mock CPA Exam Quiz Generator
One of the most study strategies is to practice taking the exam. How can you properly prepare for the exam without taking at least one mock exam? You can’t!
The Roger CPA exam simulator is designed to look exactly like the AICPA exam software. It has all of the same features, flags, calculators, and options. That way you will know exactly what to expect when you sit down for your exam at the Prometric testing center.
The Roger exam emulator pulls questions from the 6,000+ question test bank in the course, so you will have a complete mock exam experience without seeing the same questions multiple times.
Audio Lectures
One extremely helpful CPA exam course feature that most CPA prep courses don’t include is audio lectures. These audio lessons are a great option for someone with an active lifestyle. If you have a long commute to work, frequent the gym, or simply like to go on longer walks, the Roger audio lessons are great for you.
These lessons give you the chance to study passively when you don’t have access to your computer or can’t look at your phone. You can listen to Roger’s energetic lectures while you are driving your car.
Just like a podcast, Roger makes his audio lessons entertaining and engaging. These are a great add-on to the course and will help you study no matter where you are.
CPA Exam Flashcards
CPA exam flashcards are a great study tool because they help you memorize definitions, facts, and tricky concepts. Not all review courses include a set of flashcards, but Roger CPA does.
The Elite package includes the Expert Deck of CPA flashcards that are specifically curated to include the most important CPA topics to remember. These digital CPA exam flashcards can be accessed in the course dashboard on your computer or your phone.
Plus, you can track your progress through the deck, so you know which ones you struggle with the most and create a custom quiz to help study that topic.
With over 1,000 flashcards covering memorization techniques, mnemonics, key definitions, you’ll be able to test yourself anywhere.
Roger CPA Cram Course
One of the best features of the Roger CPA Elite Package is the 4-Part CPA cram course. This is the ultimate CPA final review that is designed to give you a crash course in the most crucial CPA topics in the weeks leading up to the exam.
The Roger CPA cram course is a condensed study guide that focuses on the most tested topics on the exam. This gives you a last minute chance to memorize important concepts. It’s really helpful.
The Roger CPA final review states that candidates could increase their CPA exam score by as much as 10 points by using the cram course. That could be the difference between failing and passing with flying colors!
Roger’s Video Lectures
The Roger video lectures are by far the stand out feature of this review course. No other course comes close to having as entertaining of lessons as Roger does.
The video software is also a big benefit. Being able to watch the videos while following along with the study text is huge. You can even look at the practice questions during the lectures.
Audio Lectures
CPA audio lessons are a great benefit for auditory learners who want something other than videos. These lectures are particularly handy when you busy living life and can’t sit in front of a computer screen or textbook.
Since most CPA prep courses don’t come with audio lessons, this is a big benefit for Roger CPA.
Cram Course
Doing a final review the week before you take the exam is crucial. It helps you remember the things you studied weeks ago and memorize the most tested exam topics.
I’d suggest that every candidate use some type of crash course to study the last minute before your exam date. It will definitely improve your score. The fact that Roger CPA includes a cram course is a huge benefit.
Fast Paced Lessons
Although Roger is a very entertaining lecturer, he can talk pretty quickly. At times, it can be a bit challenging to keep up with him, but that’s why the pause button was invented.
You may have to pause some of the more complicated lectures and rewind them to understand the topics better. You may also have to pause the videos to read the textbook as well.
Limited Access
A minor drawback to the UWorld Roger CPA course is that there is a time limit on your access to the Premier course. You only have 18 months to use your course materials before they expire.
However, there is no time limit on the Elite-Unlimited course. So if you want more than 18 months to use your CPA study guide, you will have to get the Elite course.
My Recommendation
UWorld Roger CPA is a great CPA review course for visual learners. It combines the enthusiastic teaching style of Roger with the adaptive SmartPath technology to help reduce your study time.
Roger includes plenty of features like audio lessons, flashcards, and cram courses that other study guides don’t include.
If you want something that will keep you engaged and focused on studying, this is the course for you.