Accounting & Finance Dictionary
Here is a list of business terms that start with the letter ‘V’
- VAT Invoice Templates for Excel
- What are Variable Costs?
- What is a Value Chain?
- What is a Variable Cost Per Unit?
- What is a Variance Report?
- What is a Vendee?
- What is a Vendor?
- What is a Vertical Merger?
- What is a Void Check?
- What is a Voided Check?
- What is a Volume Variance?
- What is a Voluntary Exchange?
- What is a Voucher Register?
- What is a Voucher System?
- What is a Voucher?
- What is Vacation Pay?
- What is Valuation Allowance?
- What is Value Added Time?
- What is Value Investing?
- What is Variable Costing?
- What is Variance Analysis?
- What is Venture Capital?
- What is Vertical Analysis?
- What is Vertical Integration?
- What is Vouching?