CPA Exam Score Release Dates [Complete 2025 Guide]

Ultimate Guide to CPA Exam Score Release Schedule & Dates

cpa-exam-score-release-datesThe Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam is one of the most challenging professional certification exams. After investing time, effort, and money into preparing for and taking the exam, the anticipation of receiving your scores can be both exciting and nerve-wracking.

Understanding the score release process and timeline is essential for CPA candidates to effectively plan their next steps, whether that involves celebrating a passed section or preparing for a retake.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of CPA exam score release dates, explaining the process, schedule, and tips for managing expectations.

Overview of the CPA Exam Score Release Process

The CPA exam is administered by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and facilitated by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA). Prometric testing centers handle the administration of the exam itself, while NASBA releases the scores. Scores are released according to a predetermined schedule, typically in batches based on when candidates complete their exams.

Understanding the score release process helps candidates stay informed about when they can expect results and plan their next steps effectively.

Continuous Testing and Score Release

Since July 2020, the CPA exam has followed a continuous testing model, which allows candidates to schedule and take the exam year-round. Under this model:

  • There are no longer quarterly testing windows.
  • Candidates can retake failed sections as soon as their scores are released, provided they meet state-specific requirements.
  • Score release dates occur multiple times each quarter, ensuring minimal delays between exam completion and receiving results.

This model offers increased flexibility, but it’s important to understand how the score release timeline aligns with continuous testing.

2025 CPA Exam Score Release Schedule

The AICPA and NASBA release a detailed schedule outlining when scores will be available. The 2025 CPA exam score release dates are expected to follow this structure:

Exam Taken Between Score Release Date
January 1 – January 20 February 5, 2025
January 21 – February 14 February 27, 2025
February 15 – March 10 March 24, 2025
March 11 – March 31 April 14, 2025

These dates are subject to minor adjustments based on holidays or system updates, so candidates should always check the NASBA website for the most accurate and current information.

Historical CPA Score Release Dates

The Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Exam score release dates have evolved over the past few years, particularly with the implementation of the CPA Evolution initiative in 2024. Below is a summary of the score release schedules for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025.

2023 CPA Exam Score Release Dates

In 2023, the CPA Exam followed a continuous testing model, allowing candidates to sit for the exam throughout the year. Scores were released on a rolling basis, typically within a few weeks after the exam date. The specific score release dates were determined by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) and varied depending on the testing date. Candidates were advised to check the NASBA website for the most up-to-date information.

2024 CPA Exam Score Release Dates

With the introduction of the CPA Evolution initiative in 2024, the exam structure and score release schedule underwent significant changes. The exam was divided into Core and Discipline sections, each with specific testing windows and corresponding score release dates.

Testing Window (Core Sections: AUD, FAR, REG) Score Release Date Testing Window (Discipline Sections: BAR, ISC, TCP) Score Release Date
January 10 – March 26 June 4 January 10 – February 6 April 24
April 1 – June 25 July 31 April 20 – May 19 June 28
July 1 – September 25 October 31 July 1 – July 31 September 10
October 1 – December 26 January 29, 2025 October 1 – October 31 December 10

Note: These dates are subject to change. Candidates were encouraged to verify the latest information on the AICPA or NASBA websites.

2025 CPA Exam Score Release Dates

In 2025, the CPA Exam returned to a continuous testing model for the Core sections, with multiple score release dates throughout the year. The Discipline sections were administered in the first month of each quarter, with specific score release dates following each testing window.

Core Section Exam Data Received By Target Score Release Date
January 23 February 7
February 14 February 25
March 9 March 18
March 31 April 9
April 23 May 8
May 16 May 28
June 8 June 17
June 30 July 10
July 23 August 7
August 15 August 26
September 7 September 16
September 30 October 9
October 23 November 7
November 15 November 25
December 8 December 16
December 31 January 13, 2026
Discipline Section Testing Dates Target Score Release Date
January 1 – 31 March 14
April 1 – 30 May 16
June 1 – 30 July 17
July 1 – 31 September 11
October 1 – 31 December 16

Please note that these dates are subject to change. Candidates should consult the AICPA or NASBA websites for the most current information.

Factors That Can Affect Score Release

  1. Timing of Your Exam

Exams taken earlier in the score release period are processed more quickly, allowing candidates to receive results sooner. Exams completed closer to the cutoff date for a release period may experience minor delays.

  1. Technical Issues

While rare, technical issues at Prometric centers or during the scoring process can impact the release of results. NASBA communicates any delays to candidates promptly.

  1. Holidays and Weekends

Score release dates may be adjusted to account for national holidays or weekends, potentially affecting when candidates receive their results.

What to Do While Waiting for Your CPA Exam Scores

Waiting for your CPA exam scores can be an anxious time, but there are productive ways to use this period:

#1 Begin Preparing for the Next Section

If you’re taking multiple sections, use the waiting period to study for the next one. Staying proactive keeps you on track and minimizes the time needed to achieve your CPA designation.

#2 Review Your Exam Performance

Reflect on your performance and identify areas where you felt confident or struggled. This insight can guide your preparation for future sections or retakes.

#3 Stay Informed

Regularly check the NASBA and AICPA websites for updates on score release dates. Staying informed helps manage expectations and reduces unnecessary stress.

How CPA Exam Scores Are Calculated

Understanding how CPA exam scores are calculated can help demystify the process. Each section of the CPA exam is scored on a scale of 0 to 99, with a passing score of 75. The scoring process includes:

  • Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs): Weighted based on difficulty and accuracy.
  • Task-Based Simulations (TBSs): Evaluated for correctness and completeness.
  • Written Communication Tasks (for BEC): Scored based on organization, clarity, and technical accuracy.

Scores undergo rigorous quality assurance to ensure fairness and accuracy before being released.

My CPA Score Experience

I can remember taking the CPA and waiting for what seemed like forever to find out if I passed or not. Back in the day, NASBA didn’t have targeted release dates or an online system where you could just login to check your status. You were stuck waiting for a letter to come in the mail or to be sent to your inbox.

It left you questioning whether you did well enough on the simulations and multiple choice to avoid the dreaded 74. Or worse, questioning why you wanted to become a CPA in first place. Needless to say, it was pretty awful.

Today the AICPA and NASBA have really organized their approach to releasing CPA test scores. Now they release the result in waves depending on the date that your took your exam. This is a great system because you don’t have to wait until the end of the testing window to find out your results if you took in first thing.

As soon as you take your exam, the results are set out for processing and you should hear back from them in a matter of weeks. I know it’s a horrible process to wait for your results no matter how short the wait is, but at least now there are approximate dates you can look forward to.

One thing to keep in mind about the release dates is that the AICPA usually gets all of your testing data from the Prometric testing center within 24 hours of your exam, so the vast major of candidates will get their data processed on time.

If, however, Prometric doesn’t get the AICPA the info before the cutoff, your results will be bumped back to the next release date batch. Also, keep in mind that the BEC test usually takes a little longer to process because of the written sections, so your BEC scores might not be published on the target dates.

Still Waiting for Results? Contact Your State.

If you haven’t heard anything from the AICPA about your result a few weeks after your target date, you might want to contact your state board and see if the results were issued to them.

Some times there are glitches in the system and you aren’t notified before your scores are sent to the designated bodies. It’s super annoying, but it happens. Click below to find your state’s contact information.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I receive my CPA exam scores?

You will receive your CPA exam scores on the designated release date for the period in which you completed your exam. The specific dates are outlined in NASBA’s score release schedule.

What happens if I don’t pass a section of the CPA exam?

If you don’t pass a section, you can retake it as soon as your score is released, provided you meet your state’s requirements. Continuous testing allows for quicker rescheduling compared to the previous quarterly system.

How are CPA exam scores released?

Scores are released online through your state’s board of accountancy or the NASBA Candidate Portal. You will need your login credentials to access your results.

Can I appeal my CPA exam score?

While you cannot appeal a score, you can request a score review or score re-evaluation if you believe there was an error in the scoring process. This service involves an additional fee and does not guarantee a score change.

Bottom Line

Understanding the CPA exam score release process and timeline is crucial for managing expectations and planning your next steps. By staying informed about the schedule and using the waiting period productively, you can reduce stress and maintain momentum on your journey to becoming a CPA.

With continuous testing and frequent score release dates, today’s candidates have more flexibility than ever to achieve their goals.

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